Polldaddy Hack Script Code

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  1. Polldaddy Hack 2017

The cURL library is a very powerful library of codes that help the server running your PHP script communicate with another server (in our case, the PollDaddy server). So, all the code needs to do is just keep sending this data to server over and over again. Polldaddy Hack GUI Tool to automate the submission of votes using the poll. Polldaddy Votes Hack V2. I’ve released the source-code if anyone wants to work on it.

April 2018 • March 2018 • January 2018 • November 2017 • • • October 2017 • • September 2017 • August 2017 • • • June 2017 • • • May 2017 • • • • March 2017 • • • February 2017 • • • • January 2017 • • • • • • December 2016 • • • • • October 2016 • • September 2016 • • August 2016 • • • June 2016 • • December 2015 • • • • November 2015 • • October 2015 • September 2015 • August 2015 • • July 2015 • • June 2015 • • • • • • May 2015 • • • • April 2015 • • • • • • • • • • March 2015 • • • • • • • October 2014 • • September 2014 • • • •. Sep 25, 2015 - 5:49 pm One of my best friends siblings was in a poll competition on a popular blog. He was doing okay, but he wasn't close to the lead.

I thought I'd see if it was possible to boost his numbers a bit. The poll in question was administered by PollDaddy.

I blurred out the data, but this is what the embedded poll form looks like: The first step was to find the URL that it was embedding from. That way it removes all of the other loading factors of the blog page. Luckily, in the HTML right after the div containing the form was a element. Poll question? I noted down the poll #, and went to that URL. The next step was to submit the form, and look at the data in Fiddler (a great tool for viewing web interactions).

I noticed that it was requesting a URL, of this form: /vote.php?va=30&pt=0&r=0&p=(poll #)&a=(answer #)%2C&o=&t=(random)&token=(random token)&pz=(random code) The 'answer #' was easily extracted by looking at the value for that checkbox. The rest of the information I noticed was stored in the 'Vote' button under the 'data-vote' information.except for 'pz', which was weirdly in a hidden input field. The next step was to start up a Python script to spam the hell out of it. I set up a Python script to use requests to request the original page, scrape the 'data-vote' information into an array, scrape the 'pz' value from the hidden input, and construct the URL. Then, I had it request that URL.

It immediately ran into a problem. When you submit the form normally, you're redirected to /poll/(poll #)/?view=results&msg=voted. With the script, however, it was redirecting to /poll/(poll #)/?view=results&msg=revoted&stokenFound. So something was wrong. I extracted all of the headers from the valid request, and forced Python to use that header.

Now it went through! I was getting somewhere. Unfortunately, after ~20 requests, it would stop working again.

The 'revoted' message would show up, and no further votes would be made. I figured that it was probably stopping my IP because of the speed of requests, and looked into getting Python's 'requests' module to fake its IP address. After ~30 mins of no success, on a whim I tried running the script again, and it was working! So that meant that the server was just blocking for a while before allowing more votes. After some trial and error, I found that making it sleep for 3 seconds after every request, and then sleeping for 60 seconds once it was blocked was a good point. I didn't want to harass their servers, and 60 seconds seemed like the time to allow it back in. That averages out to 1 vote every 5.4 seconds. Eztv torrents tv shows.

If you want to look at the script, or use it yourself, it. Over 4.5 hours, he rose 3000 votes, and went on to win. PollDaddy's a great solution for casual polls, but don't use it if you don't want scripts to vote easily and quickly. 30 comments • Anonymous Oct 27, 2015 - 4:15 am I'm confused as to what exactly I should be replacing in the script • Anonymous Oct 27, 2015 - 4:22 am I'm not really a programmer so I don't know what I'm doing. Do you mind creating me a customized script?

- Wanting to boost Josh Parrish - Please reply to this comment soon:) • Alex Nov 15, 2015 - 11:16 pm In the vote.py script, set the poll_id, answer_id, and number_of_votes variables, and then run it. The poll_id is the number in the URL (in your case, 9146634), the answer_id can be found by inspecting element on the checkbox for the person you want to vote for, and looking at the value. • Anon Nov 20, 2015 - 12:41 pm Hi. How many votes did you put on number_of_votes variable? • Amara Nov 20, 2015 - 12:44 pm Is this working? Please someone answer me. • Shannah Nov 29, 2015 - 12:35 pm wow.

Cool, wanna give it a try. • Shannah Nov 29, 2015 - 1:49 pm Hi there. I tried you're code but seems not working on mine, or I'm just really not familiar on how to use python. Would you mind helping me please? • TruthSeeker Mar 9, 2016 - 1:57 pm First of all BIG THANKS to Alex for this Python Script. It still works.

It took me a bot of work to understand what to do. So here are the instructions to help others: 1) Go to the link in GitHub and get the script 2) modify the vote.py file using notepad and enter the values for poll_id, answer_id and number_of_votes 3) poll_id and answer_id can be figured out this way. Go to the polldaddy poll page. Click on View Page Source and look for something like this:, where xxxxx is the actual Poll #, Now, look for something like this PDI_answerYYYYYYYY. Write down xxxxx and yyyyyy. They are the poll_id and answer_id respectively to be entered in the vote.py file. Save the file.

Make sure it is saved as vote.py file not vote.txt file:-) 4) Now you need to download Python 2.7.6 for windows - get it from 5) Install Python 6) now go and get a utility called PIP. Go get this from:.Make sure it is *.py and not *.txt 7) install it: c: python27 python get-pip.py 8) install the 'requests' package. No need to donwload it. C: python27 scripts pip install requests 9) all set now. Start -> Python 2.7 -> IDLE 10) File -> Open -> vote.py 11) Run -> Run Module or press F5 12) good luck with your polls.

Hope you win. Thanks again Alex. • Marcos Mar 23, 2016 - 11:23 pm Do you have a tutorial to see the variables with fiddler? • Tes Apr 8, 2016 - 1:54 am I am always getting the response Locked. Sleeping for 60 seconds., any way to solve this problem • Maria Apr 29, 2016 - 7:13 pm Same as Tes, it always says it's locked. • Ey Apr 30, 2016 - 12:23 pm Traceback (most recent call last): File 'C: Python27 vote.py', line 1, in import requests, re, json, time ImportError: No module named requests.i dont get this. • Alex May 2, 2016 - 10:00 pm @Marcos: You shouldn't need Fiddler.

You should be able to get the information from the site by just inspecting the HTML. TruthSeeker's comment should be sufficient to find it if my article was not. @Ey, you need to add the requests module. Run 'pip install requests', or look up online how to add the 'requests' module. • kaliboy May 31, 2016 - 3:29 am to install requests is very easy.

Simply download requests from here Extract the downloaded zip, locate the root of your python folder, open it --- locate folder lib ---- copy the folder requests from the unzipped folder of requests and paste in the Lib folder. This should now work. Doesn't matter if you are using mac or windows and should be the same thing with linux.

• Mark May 31, 2016 - 11:11 am It always says 'Locked' • Mark May 31, 2016 - 11:14 am Any solution for 'Locked' message?? It don't vote • Tim doerr Jul 5, 2016 - 9:11 pm anyone interested in assisting me on poly vote.

Worth 50.00 via PayPal • Marcos Jul 16, 2016 - 3:26 pm The code works but does not increase the votes in the poll. • shibabz Sep 2, 2016 - 2:24 am thank you. Sep 27, 2016 - 1:00 pm awesome! Anyway we could set this to remove a vote for a specified entry? Lol • B Oct 5, 2016 - 10:06 pm I'm getting this error. I'm a complete noob. Trying to learn.

Hope someone can help. I followed truthseeker & kaliboy instructions. I'm not positive I installed PIP & requests package correctly. I just copied pasted it in the spot they said to? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:24) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license()' for more information.

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> Traceback (most recent call last): File 'C: Users msusprtn Desktop vote1.py', line 100, in get_all_proxies() File 'C: Users msusprtn Desktop vote1.py', line 31, in get_all_proxies f = open('proxy.txt', 'r') IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'proxy.txt' >>> • dude Oct 24, 2016 - 7:31 pm I think people are getting the locked message because their ip address has already been used once and PollDaddy is blocking it on the second usage of that IP. Try using a VPN to get a new IP and try running the code again. It will vote once and lock thereafter.

I thought the the proxy.txt file would get around this blockage but it looks like PollDaddy is ignoring the proxy ip's in the text file. • A friend Nov 3, 2016 - 7:59 am hello, i'm getting this error message: 'Locked. Sleeping for 60 seconds.' After 60 seconds, the same thing happens. I'm not too sure why it's doing this. I wondered if it was to do with cookies, so i deleted all of those, but the problem persists.


I appreciate all the work you've done already, but if you had the time to help an idiot that would be very much appreciated. • A friend Nov 3, 2016 - 7:39 pm hello again. I spent some more time looking at this today. I noticed that the proxy.txt and useragent.txt files on my computer didn't match the ones on github (in fact, they were the same).

I had right-clicked and saved-as, but this wasn't a good idea. I went into the 'raw' tab for each txt file on github and copy and pasted those values into the txt files on my computer, expecting to be triumphant. I still get the same problem. • shibabz Dec 6, 2016 - 11:54 am im getting locked for 60 seconds after successfully voted (time 1). Is there a way to make this work? • The Doctor Dec 6, 2016 - 1:21 pm Syntax error invalid syntax line 5 • Destiny Dec 26, 2016 - 5:47 am Thanks a lot for the script. To make it work in python3, we need to change xrange to range.

We also need to modify the lines involving print. Print'ABCDEFG' need to be changed to print('ABCDEFG') • ROSIE Dec 27, 2016 - 12:19 am how to bypass the timing if poll daddy has lapse time before you can revote? • Midhun Jan 16, 2017 - 2:28 am can we use this script by modifying parameters for this site • Jimmy Jack Jan 25, 2017 - 4:33 pm Thanks! Works well using your instructions combined with TruthSeeker's post.

Does the script by default cycle through the proxies and useragents? Can I add proxies to the TXT file? Also noticed I can only vote 25 times and then it locks it out for about 180 seconds.

PollDaddy Hack This is pretty easy to use. Just download the Python script, and customize the variables for what form/answer/number of votes.

It needs Python 2.7.6. Also be sure to do pip2.7 install requests Disclaimer This script will not work on polls that do not allow multiple votes from one person.

The useragents and proxy settings will help try and mask your mass voting, but they will not get you around IP blocks. If someone wants to give a shot at forking this and adding that functionality, I will be happy to merge it in. Example You want to rig this poll: for the answer 'It's a great way to keep kids in line during a crazy time of year.'

, and you want to vote 1000 times. The poll_id comes from the url: 9206448/. The answer_id comes from the looking at the source code for the associated checkbox:.

Thus, you would want the variables to be set to: poll_id = 9206448 answer_id = 41930288 number_of_votes = 1000. Illustrator cs6 portable 64bit fshare.

Polldaddy Hack 2017

PollDaddy Hack This is pretty easy to use. Just download the Python script, and customize the variables for what form/answer/number of votes. It needs Python 2.7.6. Also be sure to do pip2.7 install requests Disclaimer This script will not work on polls that do not allow multiple votes from one person. The useragents and proxy settings will help try and mask your mass voting, but they will not get you around IP blocks. If someone wants to give a shot at forking this and adding that functionality, I will be happy to merge it in.

Example You want to rig this poll: for the answer 'It's a great way to keep kids in line during a crazy time of year.' , and you want to vote 1000 times. The poll_id comes from the url: 9206448/. The answer_id comes from the looking at the source code for the associated checkbox:. Thus, you would want the variables to be set to: poll_id = 9206448 answer_id = 41930288 number_of_votes = 1000 Go.