Usb Advance Untuk Ps2 Slim

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Open USB Loader merupakan software yang jalan diPlaystation 2, sejenis dengan USBAdvance dan USBLoader, yang mana kegunaan software' tersebut adalah Untuk kita gunakan memainkan game Playstation 2 lewat port USB PS2. Jadi dengan bantuan software' tersebut, kita tinggal menyimpan semua permainan dalam sebuah media penyimpanan yang kita hubungkan dengan PS2 lewat koneksi USB, dan saat software' tersebut kita jalankan diPS2, maka akan membaca game' yang tersimpan dalam media penyimpan (Harddisk/Flashcard) sehingga kita bisa memainkan game tersebut dan tidak perlu menggunakan cd/dvd game lagi. Open USB Loader pada saat tips ini saya tulis (ver.041), masih merupakan software dalam tahap pengembangan, artinya masih ada kemungkinan adanya penambahan fitur atau kemampuan softwarenya serta perbaikan' yang lebih mengarah kepengembangan dan kestabilan softwarenya dimasa yang akan datang. OpenUSBLoader ini merupakan software open source dari yang merupakan pengembangan dari software USBAdvance, yang mana projeknya terdiri dari 2, diantaranya adalah yang menggunakan module (IRX file) original USBAdvance dan yang menggunakan modul ISOFS oleh Jimmikaelkael.

HOW TO USE AND INSTALL USB ADVANCE. How to run PS2 Games Off A USB Stick (Playstation 2. Mod LaunchELF on your PS2 Slim SPCH-77001.

Things Needed • USB flash drive • PS2 adapter • PS2 controller • USB hard drive The operating system of the PlayStation 2 Slim (PS2) can not access a USB hard drive. However, the the PS2 Slim can be modified with a USB Advance program that will enable the operating system to recognize and use the hard drive. The program must be downloaded from a computer and then transferred to the PS2 Slim before it can be installed. Both procedures are straightforward and can be accomplished by a novice to computers or a PS2 Slim.

Download the USB Advance program to the PC’s desktop (see Resources). Double-click on the file to decompress it to a program on the desktop. Plug a USB flash drive into a USB port on the PC. Wait for the icon of the USB flash drive to appear on the desktop.

Drag the USB Advance program from the desktop onto the icon of the USB flash drive. Wait as a copy progress bar appears, fills in from right to left and then disappears Right-click on the icon of the USB flash drive. Select “Eject” from the pop-up menu. Remove the USB flash drive from the USB port of the PC. Plug the USB flash drive’s connector into the USB connection on the PS2 Slim adapter.


Plug the PS2 Slim connector on the PS2 Slim adapter into the PS2. Turn the PS2 Slim on. Navigate from the 'Home' menu to “Settings.” Select “Storage” from beneath “Settings.” Select the icon of the USB flash drive from the list of choices beneath “Storage.” Select the USB Advance program from the list of choices to the right of the icon. Press the “X” button on the PS2 Slim controller.

Abi game studio alien shooter. Select “Install” from the pop-up menu. Follow the menu commands to install the USB Advance program into the PS2’s operating system.

Click the “Reboot now” button on the confirmation window when it appears. Wait for the PS2 Slim to reboot and display the Home menu. Turn the PS2 Slim off. Remove the USB flash drive from the PS2 adapter.

Usb Advance For Ps2 Slim Download

Plug the USB cable attached to the USB hard drive to the PS2 Slim.

Ok there are A LOT of questions going on about how to have a HDD in a Slim PS2 (pstwo). I will explain how to do it here in this tutorial. *NOTE* This is the ONLY way to have a hdd on a slim ps2 (that i know of) and it is not really compatable. Here is a list (not sure on accuracy) of compatable games with USB EXTREME/ADCANCE Here is a list of THINGS YOU NEED -An External USB HDD or a Internal HDD with an External USB Enclosure(like this one *Can be found on ebay for cheaper!* -A way of booting cd-rs on your ps2. This can be SWAP MAGIC V3.6 discs or a mod chip.

Swap magic is the cheaper way to do this and you don't void your warranty. Does the disk needs to be formatted for the USBADVANCE logo to show up? Trimble gps pathfinder office crack Cuz i have a USBADVANCE Image on my computer, I tested on a ps2 emulator and it loads up well but when i burned it a CDR and put it on my ps2, the ps2 turns on, says 'PLAYSTATION2' like if it was goin to boot, then it starts to do the usual noise of reading a CD and thats the only thing, black screen and it never moves on. The other image i have is for USBEXTREME, but all it does is say 'installing independence exploit' and then 'install complete' im not really a super tech guy, i just want to play games through my usb hdd anybody knows why both things are working?

Btw, i have a slim ps2 70001 with a MARS chip. Im happy to finally come to undesrtand how the process goes to run custom elf files on my ps2. Unfortunately, what i discovered is not so nice. My ps2 DOESNT run them. I used ARMAX to test USBADV.ELF and USBEXTREME.ELF and when i select to open them, it looks like if its gonna load the app but it doesnt. (at least for those 2) I've tested with 5 diff apps so far USBADV.ELF - FAILED USBEXTREME.ELF - FAILED MCFORMAT.ELF - WORKED HDLOADER.ELF - FAILED PS2LINK.ELF - FAILED im really bummed. Well not bummed.

Actually confused. Cuz if it was that it couldnt play ANY elf file at least I would know where to look but this way i honestly dont know what happens. Anybody with a clue on whats wrong here??? 'Getting it to work with Swap Magic Disc and USB Advance/Extreme disc: -Plug in your USB HDD, install drivers and format it in windows to NTFS (you can right click on the drive and hit format) -Open up the USB EXTREME tool (on your computer) and click on the Disc Format tab and then click Format. *For thoes who bought USB EXTREME skip the next 2 steps and just insert the disc into your pstwo.

-Burn USB ADVANCED to a cd. (burn the.bin using a program like nero or alcohol 120 while selecting BURN IMAGE! You are not actually burning the.bin as a data file.its an image) -Stop the USB HDD and plug it into your PStwo. Now put in the USB ADVANCE cd ( either using the modchip or booting up with swap magic v3.6) -A screen that says USB ADVANCE or USB EXTREME should pop up and then it will go to a list where games should be.

If this happens. You did it right. Now scroll down to see how to install games.' Cheers for the step by step. I have one problem, when i try to burn the bin file to disc and then run it with swap magic 3.6 i does not work. I get 'please enter ps2 disc' please help.

I've been trying for months now. Files also in the folder are ul_format, ul_install, Usb-advance Bin File, usb-advance Image file and USBExtreme ul_install thanks. I've been browsing this site for a week now. I got my (first) PStwo (75014) ten days ago and since then I kept reading and reading the topics around this forum. I can say that I got a lot of information and managed to do everything I wanted.