Etci National Rules For Electrical Installations
ETCI has issued an Amendments, Corrigenda and Errata list to ET101:2008, Fourth Edition. Download this list. ET206A Download the Procedural Guidelines for Working on Electrical Installations. Issued 2000 This publication is available as an A3 wall chart and can be included in your organisation's safety file. Guidance-Note on Periodic Inspection and. 62.4 of the “National rules for Electrical Installations. Chapter 62 of the ETCI National Rules for Electrical.
To purchase the new Fourth Edition from the ETCI Publications Online Store. The principle reason for producing the Fourth Edition is the progress on international harmonisation of wiring rules in IEC and CENELEC. This has resulted in the following: * A new and radical restructuring of the rules, mainly in Part 4: Protection for Safety. * Technical changes resulting from decisions at international level (IEC and CENELEC) which necessitate the revision of existing rules. * New sections for areas hitherto not covered, for example marinas, amusement parks, photoelectric equipment and extra-low voltage lighting. * Changes and new developments in types of equipment, work practices and building practices.
Harmonisation of Wiring Rules. The basic work on wiring rules is done in IEC TC64, the world-wide electrotechnical standards organisation.
Many of the ideas fit into the “gray areas” and some of them are outright cheating.
The equivalent European organisation, CENELEC, uses the results of IEC as a basis for its deliberations and the work is carried out by CENELEC TC64, in which most European countries participate. Ireland, represented by ETCI, has been an active member of CENELEC since 1973.
Harmonisation of wiring rules in Europe has been a gradual process, and the 4th Edition represents a significant advance. Where it is found necessary, countries are permitted to retain special requirements or 'Special National Conditions' (SNCs) which are justifiable on account of local conditions. Ireland has negotiated successfully for several SNCs, e.g.
For bonding and bathrooms. The international standard format followed up to now by the three editions of the National Rules has facilitated comparison with other national rules, and the 4th Edition will follow this more closely. The Main Technical Changes in the Fourth Edition The following are some of the major changes: * Chapter 41 and Chapter 61: Fault loop impedance tripping times are all 0.4 sec, the 5 sec time applies only to special cases e.g. Distribution networks. * Chapter 44 (Overvoltage Protection). * Chapter 51: Cable core colours. * Chapter 52: Restructured with some changes.
* Chapter 53: New rules for RCDs, SPDs and Distribution Boards. * Chapter 55: 551: Generating sets - some additional requirements. 555: Appliances - RCDs required on all water heaters. 559: Luminaires: Major changes * Chapter 61: Changes to fault-loop impedance measurement values. * Section 701: Major change: All circuits must be protected by an RCD.
* (Chapter 48, 3rd Edition has been deleted from 4th Edition and its contents incorporated in Section 729 (481) and Chapter 42 (482)) The following sections have been revised: * 701 Bathrooms, * 702 swimming pools, * 703 Saunas, * 704 construction sites, * 705 agricultural, * 708 caravan parks. The following new sections have been added: * 709 marinas, * 711 exhibitions, fairs, * 712 photoelectric installations, * 715 ELV lighting, * 717 mobile installations, * 721 caravans, * 729 gangways, * 740 temporary installations, circuses, amusement fairs, * 753 wall and ceiling heating installations.
Etci National Rules For Electrical Installations
Up to now ETCI published the Rules for Electrical Installations in Medically Used Rooms as a separate publication (ET106). These Rules, prepared by ETCI TC10 (Electrical Equipment in Medical Practice), are now incorporated within the Fourth Edition under Section 710 (Medical Locations).